Session Details

[24p-61A-1~7]Frontier of Devices and Systems for 3D Optical Sensing

Sun. Mar 24, 2024 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM JST
Sun. Mar 24, 2024 4:30 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
61A (Building No. 6)
Satoshi Tanaka(National Defence Academy), Yosuke Tanaka(TUAT)

[24p-61A-1]Opening: Frontier of Devices and Systems for 3D Optical Sensing

〇Tatsutoshi Shioda1, Samuel Choi2 (1.Saitama Univ., 2.Niigata Univ.)

[24p-61A-2]Development and prospects of dTOF-SPAD distance measurement technology

〇Kaito Yokochi1 (1.Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation)

[24p-61A-3]Present and Future of 3D Sensing Devices Using Multi-Tap Time-of-Flight Pixels

〇Shoji Kawahito1, Keita Yasutomi1, Kamel Mars1, Keiichiro Kagawa1 (1.RIE, Shizuoka Univ.)

[24p-61A-4]Newly optical lenses enabling wide, far, and low-power-loss 3D sensing and applications

〇Tomonori Nakamura1 (1.SCIVAX corporation)

[24p-61A-5]Use cases and issues of 3D measuring instruments

〇Toshio Adachi1 (1.Shrewd Co., Ltd.)

[24p-61A-6]Observation of atmospheric aerosols using lidar

〇Tomoaki Nishizawa1 (1.NIES)

[24p-61A-7]Development of underwater monitoring technique using Raman Lidar

〇Toshihiro Somekawa1,2 (1.Inst. Laser Tech., 2.Inst. Laser Eng., Osaka Univ.)