Presentation Information
[14p-K306-3]Measurement of carbon concentration in silicon crystal/ 2-nd generation
(30) Solution of inner phonon band problem in infrared absorption (2) Liquid N T measurement
〇Naohisa Inoue1, Shuichi Okuda1, Shuichi Kawamata1 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ. Radiation Research center)
silicon crystal,carbon concentration,infrared absorption
IR absorption is practical as well as scientific measurement technique of carbon concentration in Si. Low temperature measurement was dominant especially in early days and adopted in the ASTM Standard. Moreover in 2011, measurement at LT on the Avogadro crystal for 2x1014/cm3 was reported. It established as the base of science; accuracy of International System of Units.
We established RT measurement in 1987 and included in ASTM Standard for FTIR in 1990. In 2005 we measured 1014/cm3 at RT. In 2016 we identified the middle and inner phonon band problem at RT. In 2018, we reported the LT measurement of 1013/cm3. 5 samples with [C] lower than 1x1014/cm3 were measured. C concentration was obtained to be 10, 9, 6, 4, 1x1013/cm3, respectively. Instrumental detection limit was about 1x1013/cm3 and spectral detection limit was 2x1013/cm3. IR enabled 1014/cm3 measurement of poly-Si both at RT and LT, more sensitive at LT. Ratio between the absorption at RT and LT must be redetermined using FTIR.
We established RT measurement in 1987 and included in ASTM Standard for FTIR in 1990. In 2005 we measured 1014/cm3 at RT. In 2016 we identified the middle and inner phonon band problem at RT. In 2018, we reported the LT measurement of 1013/cm3. 5 samples with [C] lower than 1x1014/cm3 were measured. C concentration was obtained to be 10, 9, 6, 4, 1x1013/cm3, respectively. Instrumental detection limit was about 1x1013/cm3 and spectral detection limit was 2x1013/cm3. IR enabled 1014/cm3 measurement of poly-Si both at RT and LT, more sensitive at LT. Ratio between the absorption at RT and LT must be redetermined using FTIR.
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