Presentation Information

[14p-K402-1][The 46th Paper Award Speech] Suppression of Stacking Fault Expansion in SiC Power Devices by High-Energy Ion Implantation

〇Shunta Harada1, Hitoshi Sakane2, Toshiki Mii3, Masashi Kato3 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.SHI-ATEX, 3.Nagoya Inst. Tech.)


Silicon carbide (SiC),High-energy ion implantation,Forward degradation

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising power semiconductor material with excellent physical properties, but forward degradation caused by crystal defects remains a critical issue. In this talk, we will detail the effects and mechanisms of the Stacking Fault Knockdown by High Energy Ion Implantation (SF-KHII) method to suppress stacking fault expansion.


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