Presentation Information
[14p-K403-9][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Step-free diamond MOSFET fabrication by utilizing growth, doping, and surface/interface control
〇Kazuki Kobayashi1, Sato Kai1, Kato Hitomitsu2, Ogura Masahiko2, Makino Toshiharu2, Matsumoto Tsubasa1, Ichikawa Kimiyoshi1, Hayashi Kan1, Inokuma Takao1, Yamasaki Satoshi1, Christoph Nebel1,3, Tokuda Norio1 (1.Kanazawa Univ., 2.AIST, 3.Diacara)
diamond,inversion channel MOSFET,interface
Our research group successfully demonstrated the operation of inversion channel diamond MOSFET in 2016. However, the field-effect mobility (µFE) of the fabricated MOSFETs is lower than the theoretical value of 3,000 cm2/Vs with a maximum of 20 cm2/Vs. The low mobility is attributed to the high interface state density (Dit) of 1013 cm-2eV-1 that occurs at the Al2O3/diamond interface. Since the interface state are believed to form mainly at the step edge, we fabricated p-type inversion channel diamond MOSFET with atomically flat Al2O3/diamond (111) interface using a proprietary process.
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