Presentation Information
[14p-P10-2]Fabrication and Sensing Characterization of Potentiometric CMOS Odor Sensor
〇Kaito Yotsugi1, Kaori Kako1, Naoko Inada1, Yong-Joon Choi1, Kazuhiro Takahashi1, Kazuaki Sawada1, Toshihiko Noda1 (1.Toyohashi Tech.)
odor sensor,CMOS sensor,odor membrane
In this study, a new sensing system that mimics human olfaction was developed by fabricating a potentiometric CMOS odor sensor and evaluating its sensing characteristics. Thirty types of odor-sensitive films were deposited on a 256×256-pixel sensor chip, and the potential changes caused by odor molecules were recorded in real time. Odors from items such as juice and coffee were measured, and unique response patterns corresponding to different odors were observed. In the future, using the collected data to construct a machine learning model is expected to enable more accurate odor identification.
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