Presentation Information

[15a-K507-7]Backscattered Electron Detector Using Microchannel Plate

〇Yuto Yanagihara1, Yuanzhao Yao2, Hayata Yamamoto2, Takashi Sekiguchi2 (1.GPI, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)


microchannel plate,Backscattered Electron

We attempted to obtain a reflection electron image below 3 keV using a microchannel plate (MCP) as a detector for a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The MCP detector was used to obtain the SEM image and it was confirmed that both secondary electrons and reflected electrons were included in the image. The MCP detector is equipped with a high-pass filter that can remove secondary electrons, and the low-energy reflected electron image was successfully obtained.


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