Presentation Information

[15p-K304-4]Formulation and optimization of a non-Dispersive InfraRed absorption measurement system.

〇sangwoon Park1,2, Masahiko Inoue3 (1.Setsunan Univ. Division of Innovation and Creativity Engineering, 2.HORIBA, ltd., 3.Setsunan Univ. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)


non-dispersive infrared absorption measurement

The non-Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) absorption method is a technique for measuring gas concentration by utilizing the property of gas molecules to absorb infrared rays of specific wavelengths. Since there is no need to directly react with reagents, this method is widely used as a non-contact method in which there is no chemical contact between the measurement object and the measuring instrument. The principle of the NDIR method is based on the property of gas molecules to absorb energy at specific infrared wavelengths, and the gas concentration is quantified from the decrease in light intensity reaching the detector. In the NDIR method, external conditions such as temperature, pressure, and volumetric flow rate of the carrier gas greatly affect the accuracy of the measurement. Historically, these external conditions have been standardized by ISO and JIS. In order to expand the range of application of the NDIR method and to further improve its measurement accuracy, it is necessary to accurately model the effects of these external conditions on the NDIR system. In order to further extend the applicability of the NDIR method or to further improve the accuracy of measurements, there is a need to accurately model and understand the impact of these external conditions on the NDIR system. By modeling gas behavior and detection in the NDIR method, this study analyzes the effects of NDIR measurement parameters on gas extraction and proposes optimal parameter settings for NDIR analyzer design and approaches to measuring gas extraction, which has been difficult to measure in the past.


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