Presentation Information

[15p-K506-4]Controlling the polarization state of radiation field from a magneto-optical BIC metasurface using external magnetic field

〇Siyuan Gao1, Guangtai Lu2, Satoshi Iwamoto2, Yasutomo Ota1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.The Univ. of Tokyo)


Magneto-optical effect,Metasurface,Bound State in the Continuum

Bound states in the continuum (BIC), which are exotic lossless states embedded in the radiation continuum, have garnered significant attention in both fundamental and applied physics. It is known that BIC modes found in photonic crystals and metasurfaces can be transformed into radiative quasi-BIC modes through various perturbations, including magneto-optical (MO) effects. Recently studies have employed MO effects to control BIC states, demonstrating spin-orbit-locked chiral BIC and MO-induced BIC. Nevertheless, control over the polarization state of quasi-BIC modes through MO effects has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Here, we discuss a MO metasurface capable of continuous manipulation of the polarization state of a quasi-BIC mode by the orientation of external magnetic field.


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