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[15p-P12-22]Mist CVD of a-TiOx films on Cu(Al) and its application for anode-free LIB devises

〇So Toyoshima1, Tomomasa Sato1,2, Hajime Shirai2,3, Nobuyuki Matsuki1,2, Hirotaka Sone3, Hideki Kurihara4, Komei Yamamoto5, Tomonori Ohno5 (1.Kanagawa Univ., 2.Kanagawa Univ. RIE, 3.Saitama Univ., 4.SAITEC, 5.AMAYA CO.,LTD)


LIB,Mist CVD,Oxides

Amorphous TiOx(a-TiOx) anodes synthesized by the mist CVD method were deposited on copper and aluminum substrates, in order to realize an anode-free all-solid-state Li-ion battery, and their charge-discharge characteristics were evaluated. As a result, the Coulombic efficiency on the Cu substrate deteriorated to 94-96% due to charge-discharge cycles. On the other hand, the Al substrate showed approximately 100% stability after 50 charge-discharge cycles. In this study, we report the effects of Cu and Al substrates on the TiOx/Cu(Al) interface based on the analysis results of the microstructure and Li diffusion.


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