Presentation Information
[15p-P12-5]Growth Mechanisms of Mist CVD: Thermal Stability Evaluations of Acetylacetonate Complexes by First Principles Molecular Dynamic Calculations
〇Kazuyuki Uno1 (1.Wakayama Univ.)
Gallium Oxide,Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition,First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Calculations
The presenter has proposed a crystal growth mechanism for the mist CVD method in which ligand exchange of complexes leads to crystal growth. It has been reported that the crystal growth rate of β-Ga2O3 decreases at high temperatures and that acetylacetonate complexes are not effective for mist CVD growth of α-In2O3. First-principles molecular dynamics calculations were performed to evaluate the thermal stability of the ligand, which explained these phenomena. This indicates that the complexation state of the precursor at the growth temperature is important for the mist CVD method.
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