Presentation Information
[16a-K101-8]Composition control of self-catalyzed VLS-grown GaSxSe1-x nanobelt
〇Yukihiro Endo1, Nathan Bochard1, Yoshiaki Sekine1, Yoshitaka Taniyasu1 (1.NTT Basic Res. Labs.)
III-VI semiconductor,self-catalyzed VLS growth,metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
In this study, metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) was used to grow GaSxSe1-x nanobelts with various composition ratios (x) via self-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth. We investigated the composition ratio dependence on the VI source gas ratio. The dependence was analyzed by a kinetic equation model based on the self-catalyzed VLS growth. As a result, we found that the desorption/crystallization rate ratio of S is higher than that of Se. The S’s larger vapor pressure than Se’s can explain it.
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