Presentation Information
[16a-K103-5]Real-time temperature measurement of silicon wafer surface in cryogenic environment using Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT)
〇(M2)Ryunosuke Goto1, Hiroaki Hanafusa1, Seiichiro Higashi1 (1.Hiroshima Univ.)
temperature measurement,cryogenic temperature
In recent years, a new process to control wafer temperature at cryogenic temperatures has been developed in semiconductor manufacturing, and there is a need to establish a method to measure temperatures in cryogenic regions in a non-contact manner. We have developed an OICT that utilizes interference of reflected light accompanying temperature changes of a wafer, and have succeeded in real-time measurement of silicon wafer surface temperature. In this study, we have attempted real-time OICT measurements in cryogenic regions, which had not been verified previously, and compared the results with thermocouple readings.
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