Presentation Information
[16a-K303-8]Improvement of degradation efficiency of aqueous carboxymethyl cellulose solution by treating flow path using atmospheric-pressure air glows discharge
〇(M1)Shoto Nakashima1, Keitaro Ono1, Ryosuke Okuda1, Masahiro Maebayashi1, Chihiro Ikai1, Motoyuki Shimizu1, Masashi Kato1, Masafumi Ito1 (1.Meijo Univ.)
With the growing momentum of SDGs and decarbonization worldwide, building a society that does not rely on fossil resources has become an urgent issue. Bioethanol using lignocellulosic biomass such as rice straw has attracted attention. However, the mainstream pretreatment method in the production process uses acid and alkali, which requires acid- and alkali-resistant equipment, and the waste liquid treatment, including the neutralization process, has a high environmental impact, so alternative methods are required. Therefore, we focused on ambient air glow Discharge(AAGD), which is expected to reduce the environmental impact.
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