Presentation Information

[16p-K310-1][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Selective-area MOVPE growth of InP micro templates and InP/InGaAsP double heterostructures on SOI (001) substrates for III-V/Si integration

〇Hiroya Honma1, Hiroki Sugiyama1, Tatsurou Hiraki1, Takuro Fujii1, Tomonari Sato1, Shinji Matsuo1 (1.NTT)


direct growth of III-V semiconductors on Si,selective growth,MOVPE/MOCVD

We have been developing a technology to achieve monolithic integration of III-V semiconductor optical devices such as membrane lasers by combining lateral growth technique of InP templates on SOI (001) substrates and selective regrowth technique on the templates. In this talk, we will briefly review our previous studies on planar defect suppression in InP templates and report on InP/InGaAsP double heterostructure integration by selectively regrowing on the high-quality InP templates.


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