Session Details

[16p-K310-1~5]15.3 III-V-group epitaxial crystals, Fundamentals of epitaxy

Sun. Mar 16, 2025 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM JST
Sun. Mar 16, 2025 4:30 AM - 5:45 AM UTC
K310 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Jiro Nishinaga(AIST)

[16p-K310-1][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Selective-area MOVPE growth of InP micro templates and InP/InGaAsP double heterostructures on SOI (001) substrates for III-V/Si integration

〇Hiroya Honma1, Hiroki Sugiyama1, Tatsurou Hiraki1, Takuro Fujii1, Tomonari Sato1, Shinji Matsuo1 (1.NTT)

[16p-K310-2]Operating mechanism of InAs/GaAs(111)A infrared detectors: Effects of surfaces of the GaAs substrates

〇Takaaki Mano1, Nobuyuki Ishida1, Takuya Kawazu1, Akihiro Ohtake1, Hideki T. Miyazaki1 (1.NIMS)

[16p-K310-3]Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of AlGaAs on Sapphire (0001) and Its Characteristics at Different Film Thicknesses

〇(B)Sota Wajima1,3, Hidetoshi Hashimoto2,3, Daiki Sato4, Tomohiro Nishitani4, Fumitaro Ishikawa3 (1.Hokkaido Univ., 2.Hokkaido Univ. Info., 3.Hokkaido Univ.RCIQE, 4.Photo electron Soul Inc.)

[16p-K310-4]A method for measuring substrate temperature during MBE growth of GaAsBi

〇Satoshi Shimomura1, Riku Eguchi1, Hiroto Imai1 (1.Ehime Univ.)

[16p-K310-5]KPZ-BKT Universal Class for Kinetic Roughening on (001) Surface and its Temperature and Driving Force Dependence

〇Noriko Akutsu1, Yoshihiro Kangwa1 (1.RIAM, Kyushu Univ.)