Presentation Information
[16p-K401-11]Dependence of Thermal Conductivity on Oxygen Concentration in OVPE-GaN Substrates
〇(M1)Kosei Asao1, Shigeyoshi Usami1, Masayuki Imanishi1, Mihoko Maruyama1, Masashi Yoshimura2, Masahiko Hata3, Masashi Isemura4, Yusuke Mori1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 2.ILE, Osaka Univ., 3.Itochu Plastics Inc., 4.Sosho-Ohshin Inc.)
OVPE,Thermal conductivity,Gallium Nitride
This study investigates the effect of oxygen concentration on the thermal conductivity of GaN grown by the OVPE method. Oxygen concentrations were varied in the range of 10^19 to 10^21 cm^(-3), and the thermal diffusivity, specific heat, and density were measured to calculate the thermal conductivity. Experimental results were compared with theoretical values, revealing that lattice distortion and phonon scattering caused by oxygen impurities contribute to the reduction in thermal conductivity. Particularly, for GaN with higher oxygen concentrations, the impact of phonon scattering due to free carriers was found to be significant.
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