Presentation Information
[16p-K401-14]Investigation of GaN diameter maintenance area by OVPE method
〇Jumpei Terashima1, Shigeyoshi Usami2, Tubasa Nakazono2, Masayuki Imanishi2, Mihoko Maruyama2, Masashi Yoshimura3, Masahiko Hata4, Masashi Isemura5, Yusuke Mori2 (1.Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 3.ILE, Osaka Univ., 4.Itochu Plastics Inc, 5.Sosho-Ohshin Inc)
OVPE,Gallium Nitride
To achieve GaN substrate growth while maintaining its diameter, we investigated the feasibility of vertical growth on the substrate sidewalls using the OVPE method. Growth experiments were conducted at a temperature of 1286°C by varying the flow rates of N2O and NH3, and mapping data was obtained for sidewall angles, growth rates, and polycrystalline coverage. It was observed that reducing the N2O flow rate transformed the sidewall shape from tapered to vertical. Furthermore, lowering both N2O and NH3 flow rates resulted in a decreasing trend in polycrystalline coverage. These findings indicate that vertical sidewall growth and polycrystalline suppression are achievable in regions with low N2O and low NH3 flow rates.
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