Presentation Information

[16p-K401-6]Local luminescence characterization of gallium nitride semiconductors by wavelength angle-resolved cathodoluminescence method

〇Shota Usami1, Zentaro Akase1, Kazunori Iwamitsu1, Toshiya Yokogawa1, Hajime Fujikura2, Shigetaka Tomiya1 (1.NAIST, 2.Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.)


wavelength angle-resolved cathodoluminescence,Gallium Nitride,Etch pit

Nitride semiconductors (GaN) can emit light with high efficiency across a wide wavelength range, making them a key material in developing microstructured devices, particularly micro- and nano-LEDs. This study investigated the relationship between pit shape and luminescence distribution on the etched GaN crystal surface using a wavelength angle-resolved cathodoluminescence method. Distinct luminescence characteristics were observed between the flat areas and the pit sides, with directional luminescence being particularly prominent at specific angles. These findings provide insights into the correlation between the luminescence properties of the microstructure and the surface topography.


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