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[16p-Y1311-8]Lattice matching of (AlxScyGa1−xy)2O3 alloy grown on β-Ga2O3 substrate

〇Kazuki koreishi1, Takuto Soma1, Akira Ohtomo1 (1.Science Tokyo, Dept. Chem. Sci. Eng.)


epitaxy,wide bandgap semiconductor,gallium oxide

A high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) can be formed at the heterointerface of β-Ga2O3 and doped Ga2O3-based alloy epilayers. The use of 2DEG channels in switching devices enhances their high-frequency and high-power capabilities. The alloy epilayer is typically (Al,Ga)2O3. However, as the Al composition increases, the lattice mismatch causes lattice defects at the heterojunction.
Instead of (Al,Ga)2O3, we propose (Al,Sc,Ga)2O3 pseudoternary epilayer as a lattice-matched alloy with β-Ga2O3. The lattice matching condition of the alloy is then investigated by preparing (Al,Sc,Ga)2O3 epilayers with different cation compositions and measuring their structure and composition. Growth on (100) β-Ga2O3 substrate indicates that the lattice-matched alloy was obtained when the Al/Sc ratio was approximetly 4.


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