Presentation Information
[17a-K101-7]Removal of fluorinated polymer film on semiconductor substrates by UV/Dry Air treatment
〇(M1)Kohei Koishi1, Tomonari Ogata2, Takeshi Momose1, Mitsuru Sasaki1 (1.Sci. Tech. Kumamoto Univ., 2.KIDO Kumamoto Univ.)
semiconductor,fluorinated polymer,UV
A fluorinated polymer film is formed during the plasma etching of low-k films in semiconductor device manufacture. Removal by conventional liquid reagents poses a problem of environmental impact. In this study, it has been demonstrated that active oxygen generated by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation can be delivered to the heated polymer film surface by UV/Dry Air treatment. This process causes physical and chemical changes, which ultimately lead to the removal of the film. The removal conditions were investigated for polymer films on flat Si substrates and also applied to the removal of polymer films on the sidewalls of patterned substrates.
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