Presentation Information

[17a-K102-6]Low-temperature catalytic graphitization of hard carbon with Mg

〇(M1)Kotaro Taki1, Takashi Uchino1 (1.Kobe Univ.)


graphite synthesis,catalytic graphitization,two-dimensional layered materials

Graphite is typically synthesized by heating coke at 3000℃ for several months. This method consumes a large amount of electricity and imposes a significant burden on the environment. To address this issue, a low-temperature graphite synthesis method utilizing the precipitation of supersaturated carbon from molten metals has been developed. However, this method faces challenges such as the difficulty of removing metals and low graphitization. We have found that graphitization of activated carbon proceeds at 1300℃ by spark plasma sintering a mixed powder of activated carbon with 11% added Mg.


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