Presentation Information
[17a-K304-2]Nanoporous Silicon Thin Film via Plasma Co-Deposition Process for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications
〇Shin Kajita1, Giichiro Uchida2, Hirohiko Tanaka3, Kiho Tabata3, Yuta Yamamoto3, Noriyasu Ohno3 (1.Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Meijo Univ., 3.Nagoya Univ.)
Silicon,Lithium ion battery,Plasma
In order to increase the capacity of lithium-ion batteries, silicon (Si) is being researched as a candidate for a new anode material because its theoretical capacity per unit weight is about 10 times greater than that of graphite, it is abundant and inexpensive, and it is a promising material for high-capacity batteries. The issue with silicon electrodes is that they can peel off due to the volume change of up to 400% during charging and discharging, and the application of porous materials and thin film technology is being considered. In this study, we introduce a method for forming porous silicon thin films using helium plasma.
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