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[17a-K401-6]Characterization of Surface Oxidation of Sputtered ScAlN on GaN by X-ray Spectroscopy
〇Hikaru Sasaki1, Akihira Munakata1, Masaki Kobayashi1, Ryota Yamamoto2, Sawaki Sato2, Atsushi Kobayashi2, Yoshiaki Nakano1, Takuya Maeda1 (1.UTokyo, 2.TUS)
scandium alminum nitride,sputtering,x-ray spectroscopy
Sc0.13Al0.87N and Sc0.27Al0.73N thin films were fabricated by varying the growth conditions using the sputtering method. XPS measurements at hν = 850 eV and 1200 eV revealed an increase in ScO 2p3/2 at 850 eV, suggesting significant oxidation near the surface. The ScO 2p3/2 intensity increased proportionally with the Sc composition, further indicating notable oxidation. XAS measurements at the Sc-L edge suggested that the eg orbital is primarily associated with surface oxidation.
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