Presentation Information

[17a-K505-9]Automation of X-ray diffraction measurement process for realizingautonomous exploration of alloys

〇Kensei Terashima1, Wei-Sheng Wang1,2, Yoshihiko Takano1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)


Laboratory Automation

Recently, the advancement of materials informatics has significantly accelerated the prediction of functional material candidates, requring faster experimental validation. While automation for oxides has progressed in the United States, we have focused on alloy materials and automated the arc melting process. Integrating this system with XRD analysis would enable autonomous material exploration of alloys. However, there are challenging issues in sample preparation due to the unique size and hardness characteristics of the subject. This presentation will report on the current progress in addressing these developments.


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