Presentation Information
[17a-Y1311-9]β-Ga2O3 on ScAlMgO4 Substrates − Dependence on The Substrate Off-Axis Angle
〇Soma Kato1, Jyunziro Kikawa1, Makoto Matsukura3, Takahiro Kojima3, Kentaro Kaneko2, Tsutomu Araki1 (1.Ritsumeikan Univ., 2.ROST, 3.OXIDE Co.)
crystal growth
We have grow β-Ga2O3 on ScAlMgO4 (SAM) substrates using the mist CVD method. The grown thin films have in-plane rotation domains and are not single crystals. By growing β-Ga2O3 on SAM substrates with an off-angle, some of the rotation domains were suppressed. SAM substrates with an off-angle are effective for orientation control. We aim to find the optimal off-angle and grow β-Ga2O3 single crystals.
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