Presentation Information

[17p-K301-14]GaN HEMTs on 2-inch polycrystalline diamond wafers

Chiharu Moriyama1, Yoshiki Sakaida2, Hiroki Uratani2, Yoshiki Nishibayashi3, Marika Takeuchi3, 〇Naoteru Shigekawa1, Jianbo Liang1 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ., 2.Air Water Inc., 3.Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.3)


surface activated bonding,polycrystalline diamond wafer,GaN HEMT

We succeeded in transfer of a nitride epi layer to a 2-inch polycrystalline diamond wafer using the surface activated bonding technology. We subsequently fabricated GaN HEMTs on the transferred nitride epi layer after bonding.


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