Presentation Information
[17p-K301-3]Nanobeam X-ray diffraction analysis of local lattice deformation and temperature variation in the AlGaN layer during AlGaN/GaN HEMT operation
〇(M1)Junpei Yamamoto1, Tetsuya Tohei1, Yasuhiko Imai2, Zhuo Diao1, Kazushi Sumitani2, Shigeru Kimura2, Ryouta Ochi3, Taketomo Sato3, Tamotsu Hashizume4, Akira Sakai1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Sci. Osaka Univ., 2.JASRI, 3.RCIQE Hokkaido Univ., 4.IMaSS Nagoya Univ.)
semiconductor,Synchrotron X-ray Operando Measurement
AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are attracting attention as next-generation devices because of their low on-resistance and high-frequency operation. However, lattice defects caused by the reverse piezoelectric effect and Joule heating during operation are factors that degrade performance. In this study, we used nano-beam X-ray diffraction at SPring-8 to quantitatively evaluate the local lattice deformation and temperature changes in the AlGaN layer during HEMT operation. We succeeded in observing the increase in c-axis lattice strain accompanying the application of gate voltage and drain voltage, as well as the position dependence of temperature changes in the gate region.
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