Presentation Information

[17p-K301-5]Electron-Density Dependence of Saturation Drift Velocity of 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN

〇Yusuke Wakamoto1, Yuki Imazeki2, Shigeki Yoshida2, Kozo Makiyama2, Ken Nakata2, Takuya Maeda1 (1.UTokyo, 2.Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd)


drift velocity,AlGaN/GaN,two-dimensional electron gas

In the modeling of GaN HEMTs, accurate understandings of carrier transport in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) are important. In this study, we evaluated 2DEG drift velocity characteristics in samples with different electron concentrations and modeled the electric-field dependence and electron-density dependence. In the low electric field, the drift velocity was almost the same regardless of 2DEG density, but in the high electric field, decreased with increasing 2DEG density. The electron-density dependence of the saturation velocity is consistent with the effective velocity extracted from the high-frequency characteristics of GaN HEMTs.


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