Presentation Information
[17p-K301-9]Operating temperature dependence of the performance of N-polar GaN/AlN HEMTs
〇(M1)Fumiya Yamanaka1, Zazuli Aina Hiyama1, Kai Fujii1, Taisei Kimoto1, Ryosuke Ninoki1, Satoshi Kurai1, Narihito Okada1, Atsushi Tanaka2, Shugo Nitta2, Yoshio Honda2, Hiroshi Amano2, Masanobu Hiroki3, Kazuyuki Hirama3, Yoshitaka Taniyasu3, Takayuki Nakano4,5, Yoichi Yamada1 (1.Grad.School of Sci. & Tech. for Innovation, Yamaguchi Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ. IMaSS, 3.NTT BRL, 4.Shizuoka University., 5.R.I.E. Shizuoka University.)
N-polar AlN,High Electron Mobility Transistor,High temperature operation
In this study, the temperature characteristics of HEMTs were evaluated in the temperature range from room temperature to 800 °C to confirm the superiority of high-temperature operation of N-polar surface GaN/AlGaN/AlN HEMTs using AlN, which has about twice the bandgap of GaN, as the base material. Pinch-off was confirmed in the temperature range from room temperature to 600 °C. Above 700 °C, the IDS decreased significantly, pinch-off was not possible and the leakage current increased with temperature. The temperature resistance characteristics up to approximately 600 °C were demonstrated for this device.
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