Presentation Information
[17p-K304-5][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Analysis of reaction mechanism of SiO2 film during cryogenic etching using F2/Ar/H2 gas plasma
〇Yuma Kato1, Junji Kataoka1, Ryo Saito2, Daiki Iino1, Hiroyuki Fukumizu1, Tetsuya Sato2, Kazuaki Kurihara1 (1.Kioxia Corp., 2.Yamanashi Univ.)
cryogenic etching,silicon dioxide
We carried out in-situ FT-IR analyses of the SiO2 film surface during etching using F2/Ar/H2 gas plasma beams at temperatures ranging from -150 ℃ to room temperature (RT). The etch rate (ER) of the SiO2 film had the maximum value at the -100 ℃. The amount of H2O condensing on the SiO2 surface increased as the temperature decreased from RT to -100 ℃, and the amount of adsorbed HF also increased due to co-adsorption with H2O. Those increase of H2O and HF correspond to the increase of the SiO2 ER. Below -100 ℃, byproduct SiFx appeared due to its low volatility at such low temperatures, resulting in the ER decrease.
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