Presentation Information

[17p-K503-12]Temperature controlled local DLTS measurement of SiO2/SiC by time-resolved scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy

〇Kohei Yamasue1, Yasuo Cho2 (1.RIEC, Tohoku Univ., 2.NICHe, Tohoku Univ.)


scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy,SNDM,semiconductor

To microscopically evaluate deep-level interface defects in wide-bandgap semiconductors such as SiO2/SiC, we demonstrate a temperature-controlled local DLTS measurement using time-resolved scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy. This technique was applied to thermally oxidized SiO2/SiC and interface defect density images were obtained in the temperature range of 298–423 K. We observed that the time constant of carrier emission processes from interface defects decreased with increasing temperature at the nanoscale.


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