Session Details

[15a-K501-1~4]22.1 Joint Session M "Phonon Engineering"

Sat. Mar 15, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 1:00 AM - 2:15 AM UTC
K501 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Takashi Yagi(AIST)

[15a-K501-1][The 46th Paper Award Speech] Single-material-based anomalous Nernst thermopile driven by solar heating and radiative cooling

〇Naoki Chiba1,2,3, Satoshi Ishii1, Rajkumar Modak1,2, Ken-ichi Uchida1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Toshiba)

[15a-K501-2]Thermal Conductivity Reduction by SiGe Super-thin Film Interface Layers

〇Ayaka Odashima1,2, Ryoto Yanagisawa1, Kentarou Sawano1,2, Masahiro Nomura1 (1.IIS Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Tokyo City Univ.)

[15a-K501-3]Thermal conductivity reduction in epitaxial SnO2 film/r-Al2O3 with selectively manipulated O2- anion

〇Takafumi Ishibe1,2, Nobuyasu Naruse3, Yutaka Mera3, Yuichiro Yamashita4, Yoshiaki Nakamura1,2 (1.Grad. School of Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ., 2.OTRI, Osaka Univ., 3.Shiga Univ. Medical Science, 4.AIST)

[15a-K501-4]Impurity Dependence of Phonon Branches Connected with Thermal Insulation in a Heusler Alloy System Fe2VAl

〇Satoshi Tsutsui1,2, Koji Kimura3, Hidetoshi Miyazaki3, Yoichi Nishino3, Koichi Hayashi3 (1.JASRI, 2.Ibaraki Univ., 3.Nagoya Inst. Tech.)