Session Details

[17p-K302-1~8]13.6 Nanostructures, quantum phenomena, and nano quantum devices

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 4:30 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
K302 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Toshihiro Nakaoka(Sophia Univ.), Ryuichi Ohta(NTT)

[17p-K302-1][The 3rd Diversity & Inclusion Awards Outstanding Female Researchers Award Speech] Studies on transport phenomena and electrical control of spin-orbit interaction of semiconductor nanostructures

〇Keiko Takase1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.)

[17p-K302-2]Impact of momentum relaxation processes on electron transport in Semiconductor Superlattices

〇Nagi Maeda1, Xiangyu Zhu1, Marc Bescond2, Naomi Nagai1, Kazuyuki Kuroyama1, Kazuhiko Hirakawa1 (1.IIS, INQIE, Univ. of Tokyo, 2.IN2MP, Aix-Marseille Univ.)

[17p-K302-3]Chiral terahertz photocurrent in quantum point contact/quantum dot-split ring resonator coupled systems in the quantum Hall regime

〇(D)Jing Huang1, Kazuyuki Kuroyama1, Jinkwan Kwoen1, Yasuhiko Arakawa1, Kazuhiko Hirakawa1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)

[17p-K302-4]Electron temperatures in double well quantum cascade cooling structures (Ⅳ)

〇(P)Xiangyu Zhu1, Gueric Etesse2, Marc Bescond1,2, Gerald Bastard3, Naomi Nagai1, Kazuhiko Hirakawa1 (1.IIS/LIMMS, UTokyo, 2.IM2NP-CNRS, AMU, 3.Ecole Normale Superieure)

[17p-K302-5]Pump-Probe Signal Mapping of a Quantum Dot Ensemble under Cryogenic Conditions Using Dual-Comb Asynchronous Optical Sampling

〇Gen Asambo1,2, Riku Shibata1, Yushiro Takahashi1,2, Kouichi Akahane3, Shinichi Watanabe1,2, Junko Ishi-Hayase1,2 (1.Keio Univ., 2.Keio CSRN, 3.NICT)

[17p-K302-6]Spectral-Dependent Performance of Colloidal PbS Quantum Dot Epitaxially-Connected Superlattice Photodetectors

〇(D)Dadan Suhendar1, Ricky Dwi Septianto2,1, Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri1,2 (1.Tokyo Univ. Agri. & Tech, 2.RIKEN CEMS)

[17p-K302-7]Fabrication of vertically aligned Si nanowires and nanotubes structures by top-down methods

〇(M1)Bowen MA1,2, Jevasuwan Wipakorn1, Naoki Fukata1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)

[17p-K302-8]Improvement of characteristics as photon sources and development of planar arrangement techniques of silica-coated quantum dots

〇Hiroto Shirozume1, Issei Pribyl1, Seiya Ikeda1, Nozomu Yoshikuni1, Kohki Mukai1 (1.Yokohama National Univ.)