Session Details

[1D](12) OS: Polytechnic Science of Manufacturing Skills-I

Wed. Sep 4, 2024 9:25 AM - 10:30 AM JST
Wed. Sep 4, 2024 12:25 AM - 1:30 AM UTC
D room(Lecture room 14)
Chairperson:Norikatsu FUJITA(Polytechnic University of Japan) Second Chairperson:Shigeo HIRANO(Tokyo City University)
Purpose: In this session, we will exchange opinions on manufacturing skills including the concept of human sensibility such as ambiguity and uncertainty. A wide range of topics are invited, including 'Visualization and digitalization of skills,' 'Human resource development and issues in response to the fourth industrial revolution,' and 'Human resource development for manufacturing in companies.

Session greeting

[1D01]Total Education of Developing Project by Joining a Humanoid Robot ContestAn Activity of Creation Workshop in Kyushu University

○Motoji YAMAMOTO1, Yasutaka NAKASHIMA1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University)

[1D02]System to Support Reflection on Mock Lesson Using AIVerification of the effect of facilitating reflection aimed at teachings clarity

○Tomoki Nakamura1, Goro Arai1, Norikatsu Fujita1 (1. Polytechnic University)

[1D03]Development of an electronic circuit design training system based on WorldSkills medalists' strategiesFormalization and training design of medalists' intellectual management skills

○Takumi TSUBOI1,2, Hitoshi TAMURA3, Hirohisa KISHI3, Norikatsu FUJITA3 (1. Miyagi Vocational Ability Development Promotion Center, 2. Polytechnic University, 3. Polytechnic University)

[1D04]Participation in the 16th Student Mold Grand Prix by the Project

○Minoru Hoshino1, Yuto HIDAKA2, Yohei UEMURA3 (1. SANJO CITY UNIVERSITY, 2. FUJITEC CO., LTD., 3. Osaka Electro-Communication University)