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[C12-23p-V-02]Stable Electron Beam Generation in LWFA via the Control of Hydrodynamics Stability
*YANJUN GU1,3, Zhan Jin1,3, Zhenzhe Lei1,3, Shingo Sato1,3, Zihao Cong1,3, Hiroaki Sano1,3, Yoshio Mizuta1,3, Kai Huang2,1,3, Nobuhiko Nakanii2,3, Izuru Daito2,3, Masaki Kando2,1,3, Tomonao Hosokai1,3 (1. SANKEN, Osaka University, 2. Kansai Institute for Photon Science, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, 3. RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
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