Session Details

[E-4]UV and Visible Light Technology

Tue. Sep 3, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 3, 2024 1:45 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Room E (401)(4th Floor)
Session Chair: Kouichi Akahane (NICT), Nobuhiko Ozaki (Wakayama Univ.)

[E-4-01]Surpassing ITO Transmittance Limit in Solar-blind Ultraviolet: Dual-mode Response for AlGaN/GaN Broadband UV Photodetector

〇Yuhan Pu1,2, Yung C. Liang1,2 (1. National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore), 2. National Univ. of Singapore (Suzhou) Res. Inst. (China))

[E-4-02]NiO/β-Ga2O3 p-n Heterojunction Material Epitaxial Growth on Mist-CVD for Field Controlled Ga2O3 Ultraviolet Photodetector

〇Zeyulin Zhang1, Dinghe Liu1, Yiru Yan1, Qingwen Song1, Dazheng Chen1, Chunfu Zhang1, Yuming Zhang1, Yue Hao1 (1. Xidian University (China))

[E-4-03]Ultra Low-Loss Al2O3 Integrated Photonic Platform for UV and Visible Wavelengths

〇Gaudhaman Jeevanandam1, Nga P. Pham1, Erfan Mafakheri1, Emma Vecchio1, Diego C. Altamirano1, Vittal Prakasam1, Zeinab Jafari1, Christian Haffner1, Philippe Helin1 (1. imec (Belgium))

[E-4-04]Fabrication and Demonstration of Optical Waveguides and Beam Splitters Using Aluminum Oxide with Low Loss at Visible Wavelength

〇Takuto Yamaguchi1, Naoki Fushimi1, Manabu Ohtomo1, Tetsuya Miyatake1, Shoichi Miyahara1, Hirokazu Hosoi1, Toshiyuki Miyazawa1, Kenichi Kawaguchi1, Ryoichi Ishihara2, Shintaro Sato1 (1. Fujitsu Ltd. (Japan), 2. QuTech, TU Delft (Netherlands))

[E-4-05]Long-Wavelength InGaN-Based Micro-LEDs for Visible Light Communication

〇Fu-He Hsiao1,2, Wen-Chien Miao1,2, Tzu-Yi Lee2,3, Chun-Liang Lin1, Chi-Wai Chow3, Gong-Ru Lin4, Kazuhiro Ohkawa5, Hao-Chung Kuo2,3, Yu-Heng Hong2 (1. Department of Electrophysics, College of Sci., National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan), 2. Semiconductor Res. Center, Foxconn Res. (Taiwan), 3. Department of Photonics and Inst. of Electro-Optical Eng., College of Electrical and Computer Eng., National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan), 4. Department of Electrical Eng., Graduate Inst. of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan), 5. Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sci. and Eng. Division, King Abdullah Univ. of Sci. and Tech. (Saudi Arabia))