Session Details
L Lignin
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 4:00 AM - 5:15 AM UTC
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 4:00 AM - 5:15 AM UTC
Room1(Exhibition building / Meeting Room 1)
Chair:Takuya Akiyama(The Univ. of Tokyo), Tsutomu Ikeda(FFPRI)
[L19-01-1300]Development of transgenic rice highly enriched in syringyl lignin by boosting its biosynthesis in a mutant deficient in grass-specific lignin decoration
○Pingping Ji1, Senri Yamamoto1, Clint Chapple2, Toshiaki Umezawa1, Yuki Tobimatsu1 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Purdue Univ.)
[L19-01-1315]Cryo microscopic chemical analysis of lignin precursors in the differentiating xylem of Pinus thunbergii stem
○Kota Iwamaru1, Suzuno Nishida1, Dan Aoki1, Takamitu Uchida2, Bin Li1, Yuta Isomura1, Masato Yoshida1, Tetsuya Inagaki1, Kazuhiko Fukushima1 (1. Nagoya univ., 2. Aichi Pref.)
[L19-01-1330]Analysis of polymerization mechanism in enzymatic dehydrogenative copolymerization of p-coumaryl alcohol and coniferyl alcohol
○Taiki Nishimoto1, Yasuyuki Matsushita1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
[L19-01-1345]Analysis of the behavior of β-O-4-linked dilignol side chains in enzymatic dehydrogenative polymerization: Investigation using stable isotope labeling method
○Hikaru Minegishi1, Yasuyuki Matsushita1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
[L19-01-1400]Elucidation of the Formation Mechanism of γ-Acetylated Lignin
○Kazuki Shioda1, Daisuke Urabe1, Satoshi Suzuki2, Takao Kishimoto3 (1. Toyama Pref. Univ., 2. Toyama Pref., 3. Kyoto Univ.)