Session Details
C Wood physics
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
C Wood physics(Exhibition building / Exhibition Hall 2)
[C19-P-01]Structure and Mechanical Properties of Wood Models~Comparison of straw model and 3D printed model~
○Kentaro Miki1, Masako Seki2, Hiroaki Horiyama2, Tatsuki Kurei2, Tetsuo Yamaguchi1 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo, 2. AIST)
[C19-P-02]Experimental study on heat treatment conditions for increasing the bending performance of Fagus sp.
○Takeru Yasuda1, Hiroto Suesada1, Yoshihiro Hosoo1 (1. Shinshu Univ.)
[C19-P-03]Influence of Load Speed on Fracture Appearance of Wood in Lateral Tension
○Masanori Nakatani1, Kazuki Uehara2, Yuka Miyoshi3, Keisuke Kojiro2, Yuzo Furuta2 (1. Sch, Kyoto Pref. Univ., 2. Grad, Kyoto Pref. Univ., 3. FFPRI)
[C19-P-04]Changes in dynamic viscoelasticity properties of Larch during Cold and Hot Water Extraction Processes
○Hayato Tanaka1, Kazuki Uehara2, Kana Yamashita3, Keisuke Kojiro2, Yuzo Furuta2 (1. Sch. Kyoto Pref. Univ., 2. Grad. Kyoto Pref. Univ., 3. FFPRI)
[C19-P-05]The effect of heat treatment on the optical properties of wood Ⅱ
-Effect of different treatment temperatures-
○Mako Akimoto1, HIroyuki Sugimoto1, Masatoshi Sugimori1 (1. Ehime Univ.)
[C19-P-06]Correlation Analysis of Ultrasonic Wave Velocity, Density, and Anatomical Structure in Hardwood Species
○Kosuke Ando1, Masumi Hasegawa2, Shinya Koga2, Yasuhiro Utsumi2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. Grad. Agr., Kyushu Univ.)
[C19-P-07]Evaluations of Thermal conductivity change in ambient temperature and moisture content of coniferous and broadleaf species in Taiwan
○Han Chien LIN1, Mei-Fan KUO1, Wan-Ting Xie3, Ming-Yuan SUN3, CHAN Ming-Hsun2 (1. Dept of WBM and D, NCYU, 2. Dept of F and NR, NCYU, 3. Agricultural Science PhD, NCYU)
[C19-P-08]Effect on thermal conductivity ratio traits in six planting species of Taiwan by accelerated deterioration treatment
○Ming-Yuan Sun1 (1. NCYU)
[C19-P-09]Measurement of thermal conductivity of plywood laminated with thermally conductive sheet
○Eun-Suk Jang1, Seok-Un Jo1, Hee-Jun Park1 (1. Jeonbuk National University)
[C19-P-10]Radial variation of FTIR spectra and viscoelastic properties of ground reinforced logs below groundwater table
○Yuka MIYOSHI1, Toru KANBAYASHI1, Ikuo MOMOHARA1, Sakae HORISAWA2, Takumi MURATA3, Atsunori NUMATA4 (1. FFPRI, 2. Kochi Univ. of Tech., 3. Tobishima Corp., 4. Soilwood)
[C19-P-11]Estimation of Young’s modulus of flat square lumber in a stack by vibration test
○Yoshitaka KUBOJIMA1, Hideo KATO1, Naruaki BENIYA2 (1. FFPRI, 2. Ehime Pref.)