Session Details

I Wood-based materials and adhesion

Thu. Mar 20, 2025 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Thu. Mar 20, 2025 1:15 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
Room3(Exhibition building / Meeting Room 3-A)
Chair:Kenji Umemura(Kyoto Univ.), Kamii Nakamura(FPRI, HRO), Yoko Kurokochi(The Univ. of Tokyo)

[I20-03-1015]Production of coffee grounds plates by extrusion

○Miyuki Sakata1,2, Hiroshi Nonaka1 (1. Mie Univ., 2. Itoki)

[I20-03-1030]Evaluation of Long-Term Formaldehyde Emissions from GLT
Panels Manufactured Using Cold-Pressing and Hot-Pressing
Processes: Implications for Carbon Footprint

○Nguyen Duy Vuong1, Seoggoo Kang1 (1. Chungnam National University, KOREA)

[I20-03-1045]Binderless boards manufactured from timber cutoffs of Japanese cedar : Relationship between heartwood color and boards properties

○Ryoto Yonaha1, Yoko Kurokochi1, Mitsukazu Mitsugi1, Yukie Saito1 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo)

[I20-03-1100]Mechanical properties of thin-layer wood panels laminated with wood and CFRTP tape

○Hiroaki Horiyama1, Tatsuki Kurei1, Mitsuru Abe1, Masako Seki1, Tsunehisa Miki1 (1. AIST)

[I20-03-1115]LVL made by alternating lamination rotary lathe veneers made from domestic conifer trees and fast-growing trees

○Norihiko YAMADA1, Koji MURATA1, Kuniharu YOKOO2, Yoshihiro YOKOO2 (1. Kyoto Univ.,, 2. Uni-Wood Corp.)