Session Details

E Wood drying

Thu. Mar 20, 2025 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM JST
Thu. Mar 20, 2025 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC
Room4(Exhibition building / Meeting Room 3-B)
Chair:Keisuke Toba(FFPRI), Yasuo Kawai(Akita Pref. Univ.)

[E20-04-0900]Developing a drying schedule high-temperature setting for sugi beam without pith "Suppressing the occurrence of internal checking using intermediate steaming"

○Yusaku Murakami1, Shigeo Nakayama1, Hiroshi Matsumoto2, Yoji Ishida2, Ken Watanabe3, Kento Tanaka4, Motoo Dohi5 (1. Shimane Pref., 2. Ishikawa Pref., 3. FFPRI, 4. Gifu Pref., 5. Gifu Pref.)

[E20-04-0915]Evaluation on wood quality of sugi pithless lumber by different wood-drying methods

○Changgoo Lee1, Daisuke Funabiki1, Satoshi Nagai1, Hirofumi Ido2 (1. Hyogo Pref., 2. FFPRI)

[E20-04-0930]Development of a novel high-Temperature drying method to suppress the generation of off-odor componets

○Hiroki Matsuda1 (1. Okayama Pref.)

[E20-04-0945]Drying conditions to prevent checks in larch boxed heart square timbers without strength reduction

○Noboru FUJIMOTO1, Kana Yamashita2, Hideaki tsuchihashi3, Yoshikazu Mori4, Yoshinori Ohashi3, Tomoya Murano2 (1. TPUAF, 2. FFPRI, 3. FPRI, HRO, 4. Nihon Univ.)