Session Details

K Pulp & paper/ cellulose/ hemicellulo

Thu. Mar 20, 2025 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM JST
Thu. Mar 20, 2025 12:00 AM - 12:45 AM UTC
Room5(Exhibition building / Meeting Room 4)
Chair:Yasuko Saito(AIST), Mayumi Hatakeyama(Kyushu Univ.)

[K20-05-0900]Preparation of fine celluloses from local hardwoods and evaluation of the properties for use in coating materials

○Tomoko SHIMOKAWA1, Eiji TOGAWA1, Kengo MAGARA1, Kazuma MIYAGI1, Ryosuke KUSUMI1, Satoshi KUBO1, Hironari OHKI2, Yoshihiko IMAI2, Takumi ITO2, Satoshi KONABE2 (1. FFPRI, 2. Gen Gen Corp.)

[K20-05-0915]Study on the influence of chemical treatments and processing time on the transmittance of bamboo veneer

○Lai Hsien Wen1, Tsai Jeng Wei1, Long Way2, Wu Tung Lin2 (1. NPUST/GIB, 2. NPUST/WSD)

[K20-05-0930]Development of highly tough biomass structural materials made from cellulose and calcium phosphate derived from livestock bones

○Yui Okuda1, Hiroshi Kamitakahara1, Tadashi Mizutani2, Eiichi Kido2 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Doshisha Univ.)