Session Details

B Wood quality

Thu. Mar 20, 2025 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Thu. Mar 20, 2025 1:15 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
Room8(Conference building 1F / Meeting Room 2)
Chair:Yu Hirano(FFPRI), Kana Yamashita(FFPRI)

[B20-08-1015]The effect of fertiliser on calcium oxalate in eucalyptus seedlings

○Takayuki ASADA1, Abdul Haq Omari1, Takako Saito1, Hiroto Toda1, Dongsu Choi1, Satoshi Nakaba1, Yoshiki Horikawa1, Yasuyuki Matsushita1, Makoto Yoshida1, Ryo Funada1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)

[B20-08-1030]Relationship between peculiar characteristics of residual stress and wood structure of Japanese zelkova (Zelkova serrata) large-diameter logs

○Miyuki Matsuo-Ueda1, Naohisa Kameyama2, Masato Yoshida2, Hiroyuki Yamamoto2 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Nagoya Univ.)

[B20-08-1045]Correlation between modulus of elasticity andstructural characteristics of S2 microfibrils in Japanese cedar

○Eisuke Magome1, Ichiro Hirosawa1, Yoshitake Fujisawa2, Eitaro Fukatsu2, Ryo Fukui3, Atsushi Ejima3 (1. SAGA-LS, 2. FTBC, 3. Saga Pref. Forest Exp. Stn.)

[B20-08-1100]Correlation of modulus of elasticity and rupture with number of microfibrils estimated by small-angle X-ray scattering

○Ichiro Hirosawa1, Eisuke MAGOME1, Hiroyuki SETOYAMA1, Naoyuki SUZUKI1, Atsushi EJIMA2, Ryo FUKUI2, Eitaro FUKATSU3 (1. SAGA Light Source, 2. Saga Pref. Forest Exp. Stn., 3. FTBC, FFPRI)

[B20-08-1115]Within-tree radial and among-clone variations in the bending Young's modulus with Cryptomeria japonica plus-tree clones

○Atsushi Ejima1 (1. Saga Prefectural Forest Exp. Stn.)