
[CI-1]Education and Research Activities in Semiconductor&IC Design Field in Japan and Korea

2024年3月5日(火) 13:45 〜 16:55
工学部 1階 115(広島大学 東広島キャンパス)
座長:池田 誠(東京大学)
The restructuring of global supply chains, particularly in relation to economic security, has accelerated investment in semiconductors. In line with this, there is an urgent need to educate and train relevant personnel. In this session, researches and educational initiatives in Japan and South Korea will be shared and the future ideal will be discussed.

[CI-1-01]Greeting from IEICE ES Society

○Nagata Makoto1 (1. Kobe Univ.)

[CI-1-02]Greeting from ISE

○Yoo HoiJun1 (1. KAIST)

[CI-1-03]Recent System-on-Chip Design for Advanced Artificial Intelligence

○Lee Kyuho1 (1. UNIST)

[CI-1-04]Outline of Quantum Inspired Annealing Technology

○Yamaoka Masanao1 (1. Hitachi)

[CI-1-05]Cryo-CMOS Microwave Circuits for Superconducting Quantum Computer

○Sim Jaeyoon1 (1. POSTECH)


[CI-1-06]Millimeter-Wave/THz CMOS Phased-Array Transceiver for 6G

○Okada Kenichi1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[CI-1-07]60GHz CMOS RF Transmitter with a Compact End-Fire Bond-Wire Antenna

○Shin Hyunchol1 (1. Kwangwoon Univ.)

[CI-1-08]Semiconductor Education and Training in Korea

○Kyung Ki Kim1 (1. Daegu Univ.)

[CI-1-09]Chip Design Education and HR Development in Japan

○Ikeda Makoto1 (1. Tokyo Univ.)