
[BT-2]IEEE AP-S MGA Special Session on Emerging Techniques for Antennas and Radiating Systems

2024年3月5日(火) 13:45 〜 16:55
工学部 1階 116(広島大学 東広島キャンパス)
座長:榊原 久二男(名古屋工業大学)、福迫 武(熊本大学)


[BT-2-01]Switched-Mode, Non-LTI, Electrically Small Transmitting Antennas for Overcoming the Fundamental Bandwidth-Efficiency Product Limits

○Behdad Nader1 (1. University of Wisconsin-Madison)

[BT-2-02]Designing Modular Phased Arrays for Next-Generation Wireless Systems Through Artificial Intelligence

○Rocca Paolo1 (1. University of Trento)


[BT-2-03]Defected Ground Structure - A Versatile Technique for Improved Antenna Design

○Guha Debatosh1 (1. University of Calcutta)

[BT-2-04]Elaboration of Characteristic Mode Theory for Conducting and Penetrable Bodies

○Janaswamy Ramakrishna1 (1. University of Massachusetts)