
[20a-C501-2]強相関強磁性遷移金属酸化物SrRuO3における軌道依存Ru 4d-O 2p混成状態密度

〇(M2)関 祐一1、若林 勇希2、武田 崇仁1、稲垣 洸大1、藤森 伸一3、竹田 幸治3、谷保 芳孝2、山本 秀樹2、Krockenberger Yoshiharu2、藤森 淳4,5、田中 雅明1,6、小林 正起1,6 (1.東大工、2.NTT物性研、3.JAEA、4.東大理、5.国立清華大学、6.東大 CSRN)



In perovskite transition metal oxides, the hybridization between the transition metal d and ligand O 2p plays an important role in the quantum physical properties. Here we report the Ru 4d and O 2p partial density of states (PDOS) observed by resonant photoemission spectroscopy at the Ru M2,3 and O K edges in ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO3 (SRO). In the Ru 4d-O 2p hybridized states near EF, the Ru 4d PDOS spectrum shows a prominent peak reflecting the coherent quasiparticle states, whereas the O 2p PDOS shows suppression of the intensity near EF suggesting less contribution to the coherent states. The different line shapes of these states indicate that the electron correlations depend on their orbital characteristics and the electron configurations including the charge transfer from the ligand. The O 2p PDOS spectrum implies the spin-selective charge transfer from the O 2p band and this explains the origin of the magnetic moments on the non-magnetic ligand O in SRO. The observation of the different PDOS in the p-d hybridized state suggests an incompleteness of previous understanding about the contribution of electrons in ligand elements to the electronic structure of the correlated materials.