[23a-A201-5]Dynamic Redox Reaction-Driven Electrically Tunable Magnon FET
〇(PC)shamim sarker1, Hiroyasu Yamahara1, Kenyu Terao1, Siyi Tang1, Sankar G Ramaraj1, Lihao Yao1, EMK Ikball Ahamed1, Munetoshi Seki1, Hitoshi Tabata1 (1.Tokyo Univ)
Spin wave、Redox Reaction、magnon FET
Spin waves (SWs) have garnered significant attention in the realm of beyond-CMOS device technology owing to their remarkable data transmission capability with minimal Joule heating. Moreover, SWs provide the means to encode data in amplitude, phase, and frequency, thereby offering at least two additional degrees of freedom in comparison to their electronic counterparts. Nevertheless, the immense advantages offered by SWs are frequently overshadowed by the absence of an energy-efficient magnon controlling technique. This report introduces an innovative method for controlling SWs utilizing a dynamic redox reaction-based approach by E-field in an Au/PEDOT:PSS/Pt/YIG heterostructure.