
[1F01]Affective Measurement 1

2025年3月5日(水) 15:30 〜 17:30
F会場(2号館 1階 0212講義室)
Chair: Hiroko Shoji

[1F01-01]Exploring Kansei Perceptions in Lifestyle and Purchasing Priorities

*ZIHAN MAO1, Yuri HAMADA2, Chihiro MARU2, Hiroko SHOJI2 (1. Graduate School of CHUO University, 2. CHUO University)

[1F01-02]Emotion Recognition through Skeletal Keypoints Extracted from Movie Frames by Ensemble LearningExploring the Approach of Training Emotion-Recognition Model for a Small Dataset

*Kai KASUGAI1, Kosuke OKUSA1, Hiroko SHOJI1 (1. Chuo University)

[1F01-03]Emotion Recognition through Skeletal Keypoints Extracted from Movie Frames by Ensemble Learning

*Takemasa Ishikawa1, Yoshiyuki Takashima2, Haruka Imura3, Toshio Sakamoto2 (1. Nana-r Home-visit Nursing Debelopment center, 2. BAIKA Women’s University, 3. Hiroshima University)

[1F01-04]Brain activities associated with sensory processing sensitivity and excessive synchronization related to mental attention

*Osamu Inomoto1 (1. Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)

[1F01-05]Analysis of Resilience Factors and Satisfaction in Life-line Charts
for Life Career Developments

*Sayuri Morita1, Sumika Arima1, Akira Yasuda1 (1. University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Science and Technology Degree Programs in systems and Information Engineering Policy and Planning Sciences)