
[2F02]Affective Science & Engineering 1

2025年3月6日(木) 13:00 〜 15:00
F会場(2号館 1階 0212講義室)
Chair: Kanta Tachibana

[2F02-01]Investigation on Audio Models for Enhanced Comfort and Audio Clarity in Virtual Reality

*Aarif Suksai1, Takashi Ohta2, Peeraya Sripian1 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. Tokyo University of Technology)

[2F02-02]An Analysis of the Learning Environment Design for Supporting the Discussion of Vehicle Tsunami Evacuation– Case of Practice in Nishikino Area, Kuroshio Town, Kochi Prefecture, Japan –

*Wataru Omoto1, Takashi Sugiyama1 (1. Kyushu Univ.)

[2F02-03]Evaluation of the hierarchical depth-cue technique by revealing effect of placements on depth perception

*Masahiro Suzuki1, Kazutake Uehira2 (1. Notre Dame Seishin University, 2. Kanagawa Institute of Technology)

[2F02-04]Evaluation of a User Interface Design for Enhancing Muscle Focus During Squat Training

*Hideyuki Harafuji1, Hisaya Tanaka1 (1. Department of Information Design, School of Informatics, Kogakuin University)

[2F02-05]Observing P300 Event-Related Potential (ERP) for Development of an Electroencephalograph Device for the Ear

*Kodai YOKOO1, Hisaya TANAKA1 (1. Department of Information Design, School of Informatics, Kogakuin University)

[2F02-06]Proof of Concept to Increase the Perceived Value of Ethical Produce

*Takumi Kato1, Chisato Yuasa2, Nozomi Takita2 (1. Meiji University, 2. CCC MK Holdings Co.,Ltd.)