
[3F03]Affective Education & Information

2025年3月7日(金) 15:00 〜 16:40
F会場(2号館 1階 0212講義室)
Chair: Peeraya Sripian

[3F03-01]A Study on the Possibility of Using 360-Degree Videos to Support Independent School Commuting for Children with Low Vision

*Takahiro Nishimura1, Atsushi Sugama2, Hiroshi Yoshitomi3 (1. Shizuoka University, 2. Seikei University, 3. Fukuoka Prefectural Fukuoka Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired)

[3F03-02]Estimation of Effort in Calculation Tasks Using Blink Count

*hiroki horiuchi1, Shunki Suzuki1, Hisaya Tanaka1 (1. Kogakuin University)

[3F03-03]Investigation of Physiological Signals as Indicators of Engagement Across Different Teaching Strategies

*Fahrur Aslami Sujiwo1, Peeraya Sripian1 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

[3F03-04]Can AI Read Sheet Music Like Human Beings?Predicting Tempo of Sheet Music with Machine Learning

*Zhongda LIU1, Satoshi KAWAMURA2, Takeshi MURAKAMI2, Ken’ichi WATANABE3, Masanori HASEGAWA4, Katsushi USHIWATA5, Hitoaki YOSHIDA2 (1. Ishinomaki Senshu University, 2. Iwate University, 3. Hokkaido University of Education, 4. Joetsu University of Education, 5. Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts)

[3F03-05]Emotion Analysis During Driving Tasks Using Facial Landmarks

*Yusuke Hara1, Hisaya Tanaka1 (1. Kogakuin University)