Presentation Information
[1A01]Study of nuclear data by multicluster Faddeev theory1. Background and fundamental equations
*Satoshi Chiba1, Shinsho Oryu2, Yasuhisa Hiratsuka2, Takashi Watanabe2 (1. NAT Corporation, 2. Tokyo University of Science)
Nuclear data,3-body nuclear reactions,Multicluster Faddeev theory,Condensed matter nuclear science
When calculating nuclear data for light nuclei, a model of three-body reactions consisting of a small number of clusters is often applicable. In such cases, simply extending the Schrödinger equation to three potentials results in problems of divergence and non-uniqueness of the solution, necessitating the use of the Faddeev equations. On the other hand, cold fusion, which has sparked controversy since its announcement, cannot be interpreted as a nuclear reaction occurring in a two-body system due to the Coulomb barrier. Instead, it is understood as a reaction involving three (or more) particles, requiring the rigorous treatment of three-body reactions using Faddeev theory. This study aims to extend the Faddeev theory, which has been primarily developed for three-nucleon systems, to three-cluster systems, thereby broadening its application and establishing it as a calculation method for nuclear data of light nuclei.
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